
  "id": "e6750c08-1467-3396-a504-ddd161af77ad",
  "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
  "firstName": "Arnold",
  "lastName": "Schwarzenegger",
  "gender": "male",
  "birthDate": "1947-07-30",
  "birthPlace": "Thal, Austria",
  "earlyLife": "Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in Austria, the son of a policeman. Has a brother, Meinhard. Childhood friends claim he often said his ambitions were to move to America, become an actor, and marry a Kennedy - he achieved all three. A skinny youth, he began lifting weights to improve his physique, and became arguably the greatest-ever bodybuilder, winning Mr Olympia seven times. He capitalised on the fame by setting up several businesses while gaining a degree from the University of Wisconsin.",
  "career": "Made his movie debut in 1970's Hercules in New York, and gained a Golden Globe for Best Newcomer in 1976's Stay Hungry, but didn't become a star until Conan the Barbarian in 1982.The 1980s proved a successful decade thanks to hits Raw Deal, Predator, The Running Man, The Terminator and Twins, a rare foray into comedy. Terminator 2, True Lies and Junior followed these in the 1990s. In the latter years of his career he suffered a number of flops, and Terminator 3 was his last moderate hit. Today he is best known as the former Governor of California, although he has resurrected his big-screen career with roles in The Expendables 2, The Last Stand and The Tomb.",
  "quote": "\"The worst I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.\" ",
  "knownFor": "Going into politics after a sparkling movie career.",
  "trivia": "He married JFK's niece Maria Shriver in 1986. They have four children - Katherine, Christina, Patrick and Christopher. However, it later came to light he'd fathered a son with the family's former housekeeper. Schwarzenegger and Shriver are now divorcing. ",
  "media": [{
    "kind": "picture:profile",
    "copyright": "PA Wire/Press Association Images",
    "rendition": {
      "default": {
        "href": ""
  "subject": [{
    "code": "contributor:patv:1655",
    "profile": "contributor"
    "id": "b4b042e9-3024-5256-a048-35d8866188eb",
    "name": "Arnold Schwarzenegger",
    "dob": "1947-07-30",
    "from": "Thal, Austria",
    "gender": "male",
    "meta": {
        "best-known-for": "Going into politics after a sparkling movie career.",
        "early-life": "Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in Austria, the son of a policeman. Has a brother, Meinhard. Childhood friends claim he often said his ambitions were to move to America, become an actor, and marry a Kennedy - he achieved all three. A skinny youth, he began lifting weights to improve his physique, and became arguably the greatest-ever bodybuilder, winning Mr Olympia seven times. He capitalised on the fame by setting up several businesses while gaining a degree from the University of Wisconsin.",
        "career": "Made his movie debut in 1970's Hercules in New York, and gained a Golden Globe for Best Newcomer in 1976's Stay Hungry, but didn't become a star until Conan the Barbarian in 1982.The 1980s proved a successful decade thanks to hits Raw Deal, Predator, The Running Man, The Terminator and Twins, a rare foray into comedy. Terminator 2, True Lies and Junior followed these in the 1990s. In the latter years of his career he suffered a number of flops, and Terminator 3 was his last moderate hit. Today he is best known as the former Governor of California, although he has resurrected his big-screen career with roles in The Expendables 2, The Last Stand and The Tomb.",
        "quote": "\"The worst I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.\" ",
        "trivia": "Schwarzenegger became a US citizen in 1983."
    "media": [],
    "createdAt": "2018-07-18T15:44:03.245Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-07-18T15:44:03.245Z"





$.[earlyLife, career, quote, knownFor, trivia]

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